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Legis Est Dilectio

 Love Is The Law


  Lucia Anaïs Satyagraha is a Master EFT Practitioner, Oracular Tarot Consultant and certified Tapping Into Wealth Coach. Her genius and expertise reside in deep intuitive healing, nervous system reprogramming, and coaching that addresses the stories of what we think we know and what we believe is possible; bringing us back into the re-cognition and embodiment of how much power we actually have; and what it means for us to consciously remap and redesign our lives to make our contribution to the planet in massive ways.


   Lucia does this work from the inner knowing that every single one of us are fundamentally important parts of the whole.  As we heal and shift the context of our lives, the massive action we end up taking becomes undoubtable from our core; moving with power and confidence in our divine purpose & intuitive intelligence. We become active participants creating harmonic balance on Planet Earth right now. 






If you're interested in a one on one free private clarity session to find out more about coaching with Lucia:

Lucia Anaïs 




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